We started back to school yesterday. The public schools didn't, they canceled for snow.Sometimes the girls are not sure if learning at home is a good thing or not! We played a States game, played a math game, took a trip to the local library. We hadn't been there yet and I thought the children's library was great. The adult side need a little help. Great fiction side but the non fiction was a little sparse. The great thing is the cards that we got can be used a all the local libraries.
I have found that through home schooling that I need a curriculum to follow more than the girls. Next year I plan to get either Oak Meadow or something like that. Zoe really liked the McGuffey readers they used on their trip to a one room school house. I might try those out to. The problem is that there is so much choice out there for homeschoolers that it can be very overwhelming. Finding one that works with your child and hoping that both kids will work with it is a challenge. Also finding one that is not christened based can be a struggle.There are more and more coming on line and the web is a wonderful resource. We are planning a unit study on Gods and Goddesses and the Pagan religion. Eventually I think we will do unit studies on all the religions.
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